
Monday, April 22, 2013

Seed Starting

Okay.  So, this post is a little off topic but it is Earth Day after all...

I have decided to start my first vegetable garden this year and I just started my seeds (aka my babies) about a week ago.  I know... it's a little late to be starting my seeds but like I said, I'm new at this.  Plus, we were still getting snow here in Missouri through the end of March!  

This is my first time growing anything and I'm really excited because my seeds are starting to sprout! Well, I should say some of my seeds are starting to sprout...  It seems that only my lettuce wants to grow for some reason. Any tips are welcome!  But maybe I just need to be patient.

The first thing I have learned is to label my seeds.  Which was good that I did that because otherwise I would have no clue what is sprouting right now and what isn't.  This will also be good for when I go to plant them outside because it will help to know where and how far apart they need to be.  

I have also been thinking about whether to plant in raised beds or do some sort of "lasagna" beds.  I was leaning towards raised beds because I had heard they were easier for new gardeners but later learned the building materials can get pretty expensive.  Instead, I will probably try laying down cardboard to kill the weeds/grass and then layer with fertilizer/compost.  I have a feeling this is gonna be quite a learning experience!

For the labels I just used blue painters tape and permanent marker.  Nothing fancy but I think I want to do something nicer looking for when I transplant my babies to their new homes outside.  Maybe I will make this into a DIY project!  Any ideas?

I am trying to make this garden as organic as possible.  So, I bought all natural biodegradable earth plugs and seed starter pots from Clovers in Columbia, MO.  These can also be found at Down to Earth and Plantation Products online.  

I got my seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. I am growing two types of lettuce, cucumbers, onions, carrots, basil, oregano, tomatoes, and melons.  It may seem like a lot for my first garden but I wanted to plant the veggies I eat the most and well I don't even like melons... Those are for my parents.

Another tip I have learned is to water my seedlings with a spray bottle to keep from over watering.  The trick is to keep the dirt moist to the touch but not water logged or dry.  The Earth Plugs also help with retaining moisture because they are sponge-like.

 My Babies!  I am so proud!



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